Independent Hunter - An industry platform which helps brands connect with independent retail stores around the world.

About Us

Independent Hunter was created to take the drama and unnecessary costs from the process of getting a brand's product into a retail store.

Every brand wants shelf space for their product in popular stores, but this can sometimes prove difficult.

Generally, the brand either has to knock on the doors of random stores themselves trying to get them to give their product a try, (along with so many other brands who are trying to do the same)

We have shaken things up and we think it’s about time!

Independent Hunter finds the stores for you. You get to choose the stores you want your product to be in from our large selection and we do the rest.

One you have teamed up with us, you get access to our online portal, we will notify you via the portal every time a store agrees to try your product; when we have uploaded photos of your product on the shelf, and much more.

Target new retail stores the modern way